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 ここでは、1990年の第一次民主化?とWTO(World Trade Organization)からの勧告にもとづき市場原理主義の名のもとにネパール政府が外国人や企業の本格的な誘致に向けて設定した外国人(企業)投資に関する規則を紹介したい。


   Part 1 Pre-Investment Procedures
   Part 2 Investment & Post Investment Procedures
   Part 3 Genera Information to the Investors


 Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 1002 (FITTA 1992)



 ネパール政府の政令、規則、などは基本的には各担当省庁が素案をつくるが、最終的にはNPC(national Planning Commission国家計画委員会)が策定する。NPCは国策を決定する最高機関であり1956年の第一次5ヵ年計画の策定から現在の第11次5ヵ年計画まで連綿と続いている。
 本法律の担当省は Ministry of Industry ,Department of Industry であるが各省庁にまたがる部分が多い為、NPCが特に力を入れている法律でもある。


1−2 Key Features of Related Acts

The related Acts for establishing and adoministration of in Nepal are FITTA(Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 1992,and IEA1992 ( Industrial Enterprises Act 1992) .
Their key feature are described in the following paragraphs.

1-2-1 Forms of Foreign Investment

According to FITTA,1992 " Foreign Investment" means following investment made by a foreign investor in any industry:
a) Investment i share(Equity)
b) Area open for Foreign Investment -Foreign investment is allowed in all area except the few as mentioned below.
c) Reinvestment of the earnings derived from the clause(a) above, Investment made in the form of loan or loan facilities.

1-2-2 Foerms of Technology Transfer

Foreign Investor may also participate in the form of "Technology Transfer" to be made under an agreement between an industry and foreign investor on the ffollowing matters : Use of anytechnological right , specialisation, formula, process, patent or technical know-how of foreign origin,
a) Use of any trademark of foreign ownership,
b) Acquiring any foreign technical consultancy,management and marketing service.




1-2-3 Policy & Procedural improvements

With a view to attract investment in industrial sector form both domestic as well as foreign investors ,the industrial policy and foreign investment and one windoe policies have been simplified, clarified and the investment climate has been made more conducive by introducing the following policy measures and procedural simplifications:
a) Hundred percent ownership made possible - Foreign Investors are permitted to own up to 100 percent equity share in small, medium and large scale industries.
b) Area open for Foreign Investment -Foreign investment is allowed in all area except the few as mentioned below.
1. Cottage Industries (annex-21)
2. Services such as hair cutting, beauty parlor, tailoring, draiving training)
3. Anns and Ammunition indystry
4. Gunpowder and Explosives
5. Radio Active Materials
6. Real estate (excluding construction)
7. Film industries
8. Security printing
9. Bank note and coins
10. Retail business except globalized retail ,trading business with more than two countries.
11. Internal courier service
12. Atmic energy
13. Poutry
14. Fisheries
15. Bee keeping
16. Consultancy service such as Management , Accounting,Engineering, legal service




1-2-3 Policy & Procedural improvements 続き

c) Technology Transfer-Technology transfer is possible even in areas where foreign investment is not allowed.
d) No Nationalisation- IEA 1992 has guaranteed against nationalisation privately owned industries enterprises.
※ IEA ( Industrial Enterprises )
e) Decontrol of Prices- The government does not interfere in the fixation or control of prises of industrial products.
f) Simplification in import of machinery and raw materials -Industry can approach any comercial bank directly to open LC (Letter of Credit) for the import of machinery or raw materials needed for the industry Recommendation or import license from either Department of Industry or Department of Commerce or Nepal RastraBank is not necessary.
g) Minimum approval procedures -exept Industries that affect security and public health ,other Industrial actibities do not require to obtain any license or permission for establishment and operation. They just need to be registered with the concerned Department .
The list of Industries that require license are as folloes:
▲ Industries producing explosives including Arms,Ammunition and Gunpowder Security Printing,Bank Notes and Mint indusyries.
▲ Cigarettes,Bidi,Cigar,Chewing Tobacco Industries and Industries producing goods of a similar nature utilising Tobacco as the basic raw materials and alcohol or beer industries.
  ※ 実際には手続きが複雑でこの項目は運用されていない。


1-2-3 Policy & Procedural improvements 続き

h) Time bound decision- Time bound process has been ensured for cases with complete documents. Decision with regards to industrial license,registration and duty drawbacks are now tobe made within 30,21 and 60 days from the date of application ,respectively.
i) Transparency and clarity of facilities available- The facilitiesand incentives available to various categories  of industries have been clealy spelt out in the Act itself to avoid any ambiguity.
j) Repatriation of profits ,dividend ,technical and managerial fees,and certain portion of salaries of foreign experts have been guaranteed.
The corporate income tax for manufacturing units is fixed at 20%  and is one of the lowest in the region.
k) Non tourist visa for carrying out studies for investment and business/residential visa for foreign investors have been provisionedand the procedures have been further simplified.
l) At international level,Nepal has taken numerous steps to promot foreign investment in the country. Some of the key institutional arrangements that have been achieved so far are listed as under;
▲ Nepal is a member of the world Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency(MIGA)
▲ Nepal has entered into Bilateral Investment Treaties(BITs) with countries such as France,Germany,Mauritiusm and United Kingdom.
▲ Nepal has also entered into Double Taxation Treaties(DTTs) with 9 countries namely ,India,Norway,China,,Pakistan,Sri Lan Austria, Thailand,Mauritius,and Korea.
▲ To ensure access to the vast potential market,Nepal is the member of WTO,SAFTA,,and BIM,-STEC.
▲ Nepal is also a sigantory to the Convention on the Settleme of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other states and a member of the InternationalCenter for theSettlemenof Investment  Disputes (ICSID), associated with the World Bank.




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