Cosmos International
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1. 登山隊は旗、バーナー、ステッカー、パンフレット、オーデイオ機器などでネパールと中国の関係を損なう物を持ち込まない。不都合なものが発見された場合、そのチームもしくは個人をカトマンズなどに送り返すことが出来る。ネパール政府はこれらに反した場合規則によりペナルテイーを課す。

2. 登山隊は隊員の日常の行動についてリエゾン・オフィサーに報告する。

3. 登山隊は通信機器を5月10日までBCのチェック・ポストに保管し、必要な場合政府所有のものを利用する。

4. いかなるメンバーも5月10日以前にキャンプUより上部への行動をしない。.

5. 登山隊はBCに向かう前に必ずSPCC(Sagarmatha Pollution Committee Center)に出向き、廃棄物とそうでない物のリストを提出すること。また、SPCCは登山隊にゴミ処理に関する必要な情報を与える。

6. 登山隊で使用されるも用品は次の三つのカテゴリーに分けてSPCCに記録される。
1) クンブ地域において焼却,埋め込む物
トイレット・ペーパー、カートンボックス、竹篭、布製バッグ 遺体等
2) 再生利用出来る物
3) 持ち帰る物

焼却する物はナムチェバザールのSPCCに持ち込み,再生品はSPCCに記録した後カトマンズに持ち帰り、SWMC(Slid Waste Management Center)に引き渡す。



7. BCでの焼却等は禁止される。

8. 岩などへのペインテイングは禁止される。.

9. 登山に関するすべての情報はまず最初に観光省におくられなければならない。他の機関により承認された衛星電話、VHG,UGVなどの通信機器は目的外での使用を禁止する。

10. SPCCはいつでもBCにおける衛生管理を行う事が出来る。

11. リエゾン・オフィサーは登山隊の便宜の為政府より任命されたものであり、同時に登山隊の行動についてモニターできる。

12. 氷河上の排泄物はプラステック・バッグなどに集められBCより下方にて的確に処理される。また、BCにはトイレットを作らなければならない。

13. 登山隊は本登山条件に合意する。.

14. 登山隊は5月10日までどんな形であれ報道関係などとの会見は行わない。


Conditions to be fulfilled by Team Leader of the expedition team for Mt. Everest, Lhotse and Nuptse

1. The team shall not carry and exhibit any things like flags, banners, stickers,
Pamphlets or any audio visual devices that may harm bilateral relationship between Nepal and China. Our team fully agrees to allow the liaison officer to check any things belongings to the team if he thinks suspicious. Likewise we fully agree to the fact that the liaison officer has the right to seize if found such materials and send back the team or any member of the team to Kathmandu. The government may take action to those for violating/breaching law of land relating to bilateral relations between Nepal & its friendly country.

2. The expedition team will manage the system of registering daily attendance of
members and helpers of the team and report to the Ministry of Culture, tourism and Civil Aviation by the Liaison Officer.

3. The team will deposit all its electronic equipments for lock up in the Police post at the base camp and if necessary use the equipments available with the government units till 10th of May, 2008.

4. Any member or helper of the team shall not proceed above camp II before 10th of
May, 2008.

5. The mountaineering expedition team must visit the Sagarmatha Pollution
Committee (SPCC) office at Namche Bazaar prior to their departure to the base camps. The team must give list of the disposable and non-disposable goods to SPCC and allow them to inspect the goods; SPCC will give necessary information regarding the waste management system of expedition in the Khumbu region.

6. All the goods must be classified into three categories and described and recorded at SPCC.
Disposable in the Khumbu region, which can be incinerated and biodegraded:
Toilet paper, cardboard boxes and paper waste, bamboo baskets and mats, cotton and jute bags, spoiled goods, dead bodies.
Recycling materials:
Tins bottle, Jars and plastic containers, plastic and foil bags sheeting, reusable cooking gas cylinders, gas canisters.
Re- exportable goods:
Used oxygen bottles, used batteries, climbing equipment such as tents, personal gears, etc.

Disposable goods must be brought down form the base camps to Namche Bazar and handed over to SPCC Recycling materials should be brought down to Kathmandu (After recording at SPCC) and to be handed over to Solid Waste Management Center for Recycling.

The re- exportable goods like used oxygen bottles and batteries must be taken back from Nepal to their own countries respective of whether they are purchased in Nepal or elsewhere, and export certificate should be taken from Customs Office. The garbage amount will be refunded only after submission of the above mentioned papers. And failure to do so may result in cancellation of expedition permit and banning the team and its members for further expeditions in Nepal.

7. Burning or burying any short of garbage at the base camps is strictly prohibited.

8. Painting on rocks is not allowed.

9. All the news regarding the expedition must be conveyed to the Ministry of Tourism & Civil Aviation First of all, and only then it can be sent to others. The satellite phone. V.H.G. and U.G.V. wireless sets, and any other communication equipment must be used for commercial purpose, failure to do so may result in confiscation of equipment , cancellation of the expedition permit and additional penalty according to law.

10. SPCC can check and monitor sanitary condition of the base camp at any time.

11. Liaison officer, appointed as representative of government are there to help the teams as well as to monitor all the rules and regulations. So, they must be with the teams all the times. Likewise we fully agree to the fact that the liaison officer has the right.

12. At the base camps, which are situated in glacier, human wastes (toilets) must be collected in portable plastic drums or barrels and disposed at proper site below base camp. In the base camps teams make proper toilet pits, giving adequate consideration to sanitation and environment.

13. We will be fully committed to abide by the instruction given during the briefing programme and environment.

14. Our team fully agrees not to conduct any kind of press conference or press meet till 10 May. 2008 at Everest Base Camp.

I/We agree to abide by the terms and conditions mentioned above.


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